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15 July, 2019
Sophia Lelew
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Competing against Amazon: the SMB Checklist

15 July, 2019
Sophia Lelew
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It’s plain to see why Amazon is leading the e-commerce race. Their excellent user-experience, varied product assortment and innovative means of drawing in smaller, more diverse businesses through FBA has allowed them to target people of all backgrounds, interests and shopping behaviors.

Amazon is accountable for over 37% of the USA's annual retail e-commerce and has over 2 million sellers.

This makes things difficult for traditional small and medium-sized businesses operating outside of the Amazon marketplace. Smaller businesses are finding it tricky to stand out and charge competitive prices. However, the impersonal nature of shopping on Amazon has allowed SMBs to have a competitive edge in many other areas of business. Thanks to advances in digital technology, accelerated by huge corporations like Amazon, it’s left customers wanting more! With an increase in customer expectations, people are searching for shopping experiences with a special touch that Amazon is simply too large to provide. This blog post will demonstrate prime examples of when SMBs overtook Amazon in providing customers with better user experience.

1. Find your niche

To create trust, it’s important you prove that you know your stuff. The easiest way to do this as an SMB is to find your niche and focus on what you are good at. If you do something you believe in and feel passionate about, your energy and efforts will pay off and customers will feel inspired. Focusing on too many products with limited resources and knowledge makes everything more unmanageable and distorts your vision.

"A jack of all trades is a master of none."

Think about the best kind of restaurants — they are always the ones with limited choice on the menu since it’s impossible to produce good-quality without specialization.

Specialize and you will be able to deliver — take too much on and you will most likely hinder productivity and lose against your competition. With specialization, you can easily create a unique brand personality and win on content marketing by delivering personalized messages which resonate with your target audience.

Source: Bombas — the performance sock specialist

Although Amazon’s momentous success is mainly down to its huge product assortment — even they started off specializing in only books, taking the strategic decision to expand to other products in 2000.
Even though Amazon has the money to make a large product assortment work effectively, customers are still not 100% satisfied. Users are becoming easily frustrated and impatient by having to trawl through so many products and it’s simply leaving them confused as to which product to buy.

Thanks to excellent user-experience, Amazon scored a 13% conversion rate when getting users to the checkout in 2019.

To create trust, it’s important you prove that you know your stuff.

2. Care about the needs of your users

Source: Uncommon Goods

Caring about what your users want can be difficult without personally speaking to them. However, artificial intelligence can do this for you.

AI gets to know your users in numerous ways and can identify patterns in consumer data and behavior which makes it more effective than a human could ever be.

  • Subconsciously: AI can reach conclusions by simply tracking your users' clicks and analysis of data sets.
  • Consciously: Integrating Guided Selling solutions such as Product Guides and Gift Finders into your online shop allow your customers to directly interact on your website. Customers are asked a few questions and their answers are analyzed through AI so that they can be intelligently led to their most ideal product.
With the data collected from customers, you can track and optimize the success of your recommendation behavior through an analytics tool. Measurable trackers also help you to observe your customers' shopping habits, purchase history and wish-lists. This allows you to provide more personalized and targeted recommendations in the future.
Most analytics tools will give a comprised visitor overview, entailing: user ID, user journey, geographical location, clicks and duration spent on your site. Such valuable kind of data helps a business to gain better insight into what their customers want and gives them the know-how to target them better through numerous kinds of recommendations.

Source: excentos analytics - data based on one day period Integrating Guided Selling solutions such as Product Guides and Gift Finders into your online shop allow your customers to directly interact on your website.

Integrating Guided Selling solutions such as Product Guides and Gift Finders into your online shop allow your customers to directly interact on your website.

3. Provide a top-quality customer service

Source: Hipmunk

Rising expectations mean customers want immediate interaction. There is no time to lose when thousands of competitors are out there ready to pounce on your customers.
With conversational agents and chatbots, you can provide your customers with a 24/7 customer service meaning they are never left waiting with unanswered questions.
Chatbots are made up of natural language processing and machine learning and can also help businesses to improve their interaction with customers by recommending products and providing them with advice.

Rising expectations mean customers want immediate interaction.

4. Detailed Product Information

Source: Bombas

Since Amazon is made up of millions of sellers, there is naturally no continuity in how transparent and detailed product listings are.
Without detailed product information, users can easily make uninformed purchases which they will want to return. Product descriptions should be informative, providing the necessary specifics as well as the value proposition.
Customers want to know how your product is going to enrich their lives, rather than the technical details behind the making of it. The more benefits you provide the customer with, the more they are likely to fantasize about having your product in their hand and add it to their shopping cart.

Source: Method Body

Naturally, products of technical complexity. e.g. a TV, require more specific details such as measurements but always keep in mind that everything on your website should look as appealing as possible, since it is one of your biggest marketing tools. Being open with your customers about exact product details will foster long-term customer loyalty and reduce your return rates meaning one up for you over Amazon!

Without detailed product information, users can easily make uninformed purchases which they will want to return.

5. Invest in good product presentation

Source: Woodsman Beard Company

Images are everything, especially as the world of consumerism becomes more superficial. The more visualization a customer has, the better and the more likely they are to purchase.
Your online shop should tell your brand's story. Within seconds of a user entering your shop, they should immediately have a feel for what your company is trying to do.
Product videos make a story easier to tell and are enticing for users which can assist them in making informed buying decisions.

Source: Woodsman Beard Company

Product videos make a story easier to tell

6. Provide personalized recommendations

Source: The Perfume Shop

Let’s be honest, we would all love to have a full-time personal shopper who would advise us and pick out the products best suited to our needs and desires.
But how can you replicate or compete with the service provided in traditional brick and mortar stores?
With Guided Selling solutions such as Product Guides and Gift Finders, you certainly can! Guided Selling solutions talk the customer through the online shopping experience, making it more personalized. They give users more control to dictate what they want and don't want in a product, just like they would in-store. What they like and don't like, what are their interests, personality traits, favorite colors etc.

They give users more control to dictate what they want and don't want in a product, just like they would in-store.

Provide your customers with personalized advice

Find out how your company can implement
personalized advice for all of your users.

Book a demo

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30 January, 2020
Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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Why a gift finder should top your Valentine’s day list

30 January, 2020
Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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It is often said that it’s the thought that counts and not the gift. But in reality, we all know that thoughtfulness is often measured by the kind of gifts one gives. With each new year a person celebrates holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, new and old traditions, and many more occasions. If we consider the sheer volume of purchases and returns, these seasons bring forth a lot of chaos for shoppers, brands and retailers alike. Online shopping sites struggle with finding new ways to promote themselves, while brands and retailers tend to invest heavily into advertising, promote festive products, and cut sharp deals to get a bigger slice of the holiday pie. Retailers in particular, make as much as  30% of their annual sales during the holiday seasons.

“Retailers in particular, rely on the holidays to make as much as 30% of their sales.”

As a result, shoppers have it pretty bad as well. !-- Episerver’s online shopping report--> Episerver’s online shopping report says, that around the holiday seasons, retailers are prone to use fear-based-tactics to provoke shopper worries such as, missing out on the best deal, product scarcity, timed deliveries, etc. These sales-driven strategies work well for shoppers who are aware of products and are looking to buy quickly, along-with a discount and free delivery. But, what about the shoppers who don’t know what to buy? Retailers and brands miss out on the most significant insight when it comes to gift shopping, i.e. the number one concern for most shoppers is not knowing what gift to buy. Herein lies the opportunity to give guided selling advice to online shoppers looking for the perfect product.

“The number one concern for most shoppers is not knowing what gift to buy.”

Online shopping has also given rise to last-minute shoppers, as they have come to expect fast and free deliveries. Let's look at a few mobile shopping trends, Adobe analytics revealed that 61% of all traffic for Cyber Monday in the U.S. came from mobile devices and 39% of all ecommerce sales were made on a smartphone.It has also become evident that big holiday sales provide promotional opportunities for smaller players, because smaller online retailers received a significant boost of 32%.

While Amazon remains a popular choice, shoppers will more than often navigate through a brand’s website to search for products and their features. As long as websites provide a good customer experience, shoppers will not be shy to buy from lesser known brands or retailers, no matter which country they come from. By integrating a gift finder, retailers and brands can not only provide an excellent customer experience, but also establish a relationship with their customers.

“61% of all traffic for Cyber Monday in the U.S. came from mobile devices and 39% of all ecommerce sales were made on a smartphone.”

Contrary to the general belief, Valentine’s day is no longer about hearts, candies and flowers; in fact, according to the National Retail Foundation, the percentage of American consumers planning to celebrate Valentine's day has gradually decreased over the last 10 years. However, the ones who want to celebrate it are willing to spend more money and were expected to project an expenditure of a little more than 20 billion in 2019. Millennials and Gen Zers are looking for new ways to celebrate and would like to treat themselves by buying an expensive product or indulging in a luxurious experience. This provides an excellent opportunity for brands and retailers to engage with them. The excentos gift finder used by Douglas is a good example of how gifting can be aimed at occasions such as Valentine’s day.

“However, the ones who want to celebrate Valentine's day, are willing to spend more money and were expected to project an expenditure of a little more than 20 billion in 2019.”

Douglas customizes its gift finder for Valentine's day:

Douglas gift finder

Douglas is one of Europe's largest beauty products retailer, with more than 35,000 products, which includes perfumes, cosmetics, care products and accessories. The gift finder provides an interface which is user-friendly and interactive. This saves shoppers the hassle of an exhaustive search for gift ideas and confusion-riddled browsing.

Douglas gift finder

The Douglas gift finder first establishes the relationship between the shopper and the gift-receiver. As they truly possess an expertise about customers’ needs and products, the questions and answers are conceptualized to target very specific relationships and connections.

Douglas gift finder

It then asks for a little more information about the gift-receiver’s personality to take into account personal taste and style. The shopper can select two or three answers to give a variety of options within selective parameters. This is a particularly useful feature for beauty, décor and fashion products. Hence, guided selling is an insight-driven solution that traverses across categories.

Douglas gift finder

Depending on the concept and its intent, gift finders can be easily adapted to target any season, holiday, occasion and event. For e.g. Douglas concentrates on well wishes and helps to celebrate important milestones and special occasions.

Douglas gift finder

In five steps, Douglas guides online shoppers through the decision-making process and towards shopping carts. The excentos gift finder uses recommender logic and a matching engine to generate accurate product recommendations. As these provide valid reasoning, it increases a shopper’s willingness to pay, which leads to more conversions and establishes transparency. This in turn provides a wholesome interactive experience for shoppers and increases customer satisfaction.

“Douglas is one of Europe's largest beauty products retailer, with more than 35,000 products”

myToys uses gift finders for other seasons and holidays:

myToys is a leading German retailer of children’s toys and accessories and is one of the largest online shops in Germany. Their extremely large product assortment made it difficult for shoppers to buy a gift, especially those unaware of children’s products and trends. The excentos guided selling tool solves this particular problem by allowing online shoppers to easily find the right products from such a big product assortment.

myToys Gift finder

Along with the gender, the tool first takes into consideration the relationship between the person buying the gift and the person receiving it. This creates a unique layer of personalization by moving beyond traditional filter categories.

“The tool first takes into consideration the relationship between the person buying the gift and the person receiving it.”

myToys Gift finder

myToys has to present an assortment of 150,000 products. In order to maintain specificity, ages are evenly spread to give the shopper the option to choose every age, thereby avoiding any irrelevant overlap.

myToys Gift finder

A shopper can then select the occasion or season providing a narrower filter for a gift that is perfect for it.

Douglas gift finder

The last step is to choose an interest or theme, for e.g. a shopper can choose superheroes, if they know that the child is a fan of Batman. On the other hand, even if the shopper does not possess such information, the gift finder will still present you with gift recommendations.

MyToys Gift finder recommendation

“The tool first takes into consideration the relationship between the person buying the gift and the person receiving it.”

Gift finders hence have several benefits for brands and retailers who wish to tackle the holiday seasons and any kind of a special occasion.

  • Helps with decision-making for the unsure shopper
  • Provides personalized recommendations based on customer insights
  • Saves the customer the anxiety of going through an exhaustive search process
  • Increases conversions during a highly competitive shopping period
  • Easily integrated across every device and touchpoint

At excentos, we are experts in guided selling solutions for ecommerce businesses.

Help them find the perfect gift.

Looking to integrate a gift finder for Women’s day?

Book a demo

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advisor concepts, sport and outdoor


30 April, 2020
Christian Lemke and
Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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An Interview with our Head of Product and Research: Christian Lemke

30 April, 2020
Christian Lemke and Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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Christian is a computational linguist and philosopher by training and has been working at excentos for the past twelve years. His focus is to develop techniques around natural languages with special emphasis on methods that enable computer systems to unlock the knowledge contained in large amounts of textual data. He is an active contributor to the research field and utilizes his findings to further develop the Machine Learning technology used in excentos’ Guided Selling solutions.

How does Artificial Intelligence Help Businesses?

Artificial Intelligence is a topic that is surrounded by a lot of misinformation, a lot of hype, and more than often we come across questions such as: 'Is AI truly beneficial for my business?' 'What does it really do for Ecommerce sites?' So we thought to ourselves, ‘Who better to shed light on the matter than our resident AI expert — Christian.'

What is Artificial Intelligence and What are its Origins?

Christian: Artificial Intelligence (AI) research aims to create systems that are able to solve non-trivial tasks in an intelligent way. In the context of cognitive science, it tries to mimic functions of the human mind such as problem-solving.

The field of AI emerged early on with the development of modern electronic computers in the 1950s. Almost from the beginning, there have been two competing paradigms that approached the recreation of intelligence from different principles. The first is the so-called 'Symbolic AI' which is based on large handcrafted systems of deductive rules and the descriptive power of formal logic. The second approach, originating from 'Computational Cognitive Science', is inspired on how a human brain works on a neural level. These were competing paradigms in extreme places on the map of AI, and they work in different ways.

Blurring its original meaning and usage, the term 'AI' is now used almost synonymously for Machine Learning (ML), albeit being associated, is actually much more restricted than the general concept of AI. That being said, ML currently is without a doubt the most important concept in regard to the practical relevance of AI-related techniques. ML enables computers to learn from experience and in that sense perform human-like tasks by processing large amounts of data and recognizing data patterns.

"Machine Learning currently is without a doubt the most important concept in regard to the practical relevance of AI-related techniques."

How does AI help Ecommerce Sites?

Christian: Perhaps the most prominent applications of AI-related technologies in Ecommerce are search and recommender systems which are almost omnipresent in online shops and websites in general. From a broader perspective the uses of AI in Ecommerce can be considered regarding to two major aspects:

User-Centric Functionalities: In the context of online shops or web presentations for brands, AI enables consumers to explore and navigate voluminous product assortments by search and recommender functionalities as well as by applying techniques for data clustering, which means to come up with automatically created groups of product items based on their underlying data representation. In this way it is possible for a fashion website e.g., to present a range of thousands of different dresses and in terms of a manageable number, let’s say ten automatically and smartly determined product clusters based on available image and text data.

With knowledge-based recommender systems AI also enables the possibility to provide highly personalized recommendation services by combining insights from data-driven consumer behavior analysis with specified user requirements acquired by web questionnaires or conversational interfaces. By these means AI enables consumers to access complex product domains geared to their actual needs and guided by expert knowledge.

Schematic representation of excentos analytics tool

Business-Centric Functionalities: Complementing user-centric applications, like the ones mentioned so far, AI is also used to contribute business-centric functionalities such as optimizing warehouse logistics in terms of demand forecasting or providing valuable consumer insights from collected usage data. Thereby, the latter is a typical use case in which user and business-centric functionalities go hand-in-hand, as customer intents gathered by user-interactions via conversational interfaces can provide a reliable data basis for AI-based consumer insight analytics, as well as product requirements research.

"AI enables consumers to access complex product domains geared to their actual needs and guided by expert knowledge."

Which AI Techniques can SMB’s Adopt?

Christian: Today, small teams or even single developers can use various resources to solve specific problems. While this may have been difficult in the past, there is a lot that has changed during the last decade. Despite the tremendous increase of computation and storage capacities, one of the main influences that drove this development was a cultural change that took place in the AI research community, which was essentially taking the contributional work to the open source community mainstream. Therefore, there is a huge amount of high-quality open source software, data collections and research papers freely available to everyone.

The Deep Learning approach to Machine Learning recently led to impressive performance leaps for several tasks like voice recognition, computer vision or natural language processing. Although in principle available to everyone in terms of open source software, applying Deep Learning methods successfully from scratch requires massive amounts of data and computation which heavily limits its accessibility in practice. Even if the costs involved are affordable for a company there simply won’t be sufficient amount of data for many business relevant use cases.

To tackle these limiting aspects of Deep Learning a particularly useful technique called Transfer Learning is in place. Transfer Learning benefits from the fact that the research community and especially the big players in field like Google or Facebook use their vast computational resources along with their huge reserves of data to train state-of-the-art models and make them freely available. Transfer Learning exploits the implicit domain-independent knowledge represented in pre-trained models and transfers it to target domains with limited amount of available data. Smaller businesses that possess the technical knowledge can use these kind of pre-trained models for their domain-specific problems and operate successfully with limited data and resources. But at the same time, for businesses that don’t have any expertise or have even fewer resources, there are several service providers that supply the required expertise for AI-based solutions.

Transfer Learning benefits from the fact that the research community and especially the big players in field like Google or Facebook, use their vast computational resources along with their huge reserves of data to train state-of-the-art models and make them freely available.

How is AI Utilized in the excentos' Guided Selling Solutions?

Christian: AI technology has always been at the core of our Guided Selling solutions as we utilize knowledge representation, recommender engines and nautral language processing. We’ve been working on Guided Selling software since 2007, and over the years we have developed and heightened our personal expertise in this field. In the early days, we realised that there was a greater demand for technical expertise to just create a concept for a Product Guide. Hence, self-sufficiency has always been one of our goals and a major change has been to our project delivery process.

With the launch of the excentos Workbench platform, we were able to provide our customers with an easy-to-use tool, while abstracting away from the technically demanding details. Now they can create a Product Guide on their own in 5 simple steps. To get there and to keep going in this direction we are constantly pushing and adopting state-of-the-art results from relevant areas of the field.

...we were able to provide our customers with an easy-to-use tool, while abstracting away from the technically demanding details.

What are the Challenges that lie ahead for AI?

Christian: What is surprising at the moment is that a system can go quite far by using language as a stream of patterns. It was thought that it would require a deeper level of understanding to be able to distinguish between a positive statement from a negative one, but this was not necessarily true and it was surprising to see that a system could do this by just using language as a stream of patterns.

Hence, there is a lot of potential to get smarter with recommendations when it comes to creating a system that can extract meaning from what it processes. One example would be a book recommender that goes through the text of a book and states the kind of prose or writing style, the quality of the writing itself, etc.

Extending the scope of knowledge extraction could be very powerful and helpful to us. Imagine that we have some kind of semantic representation that can go through thousands of medical research papers pertaining to cancer and detects a valuable pattern, insight or a finding. This is the kind of AI-powered assistance we need because the key insight is that it complements human endeavor and doesn’t hinder it.

Imagine that we have some kind of semantic representation that can go through thousands of medical research papers pertaining to cancer and detects a valuable pattern, insight or a finding.

AI-Powered Selling.

This is what we do and what we care about.
Let us help you build a great customer experience and sell more.

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2 March, 2020
Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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Why are web analytics essential for online businesses?

2 March, 2020
Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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Advantages of Website Analytics

Every website receives some form of user engagement, for e.g., a visitor clicking a link or a button or simply browsing a website or purchasing something online. Web analytics are used to measure, track and analyze such usage metrics to optimize and improve the performance of a website. They provide data that reports on how your business is performing versus its competition; insightful information about its key demographics; user behaviors and insights; the reach and impact of advertising campaigns; awareness of seasonal traffic behavior etc. to name a few. Analytics continually track such varied events and are hence capable of reporting on specific analyses across a vast range of data.

Regular analytics will give you insights, but excentos analytics offer customer insights for specific and defined aspects. Click the button to skip the introduction to web analytics and read directly about excentos analytics.

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1. Objectives and Goals Creation

Businesses differ on principles, objectives and plans, which are also translated to their respective websites. Websites themselves could have an objective other than just selling or even multiple different ones. Goals are used to define different parameters or steps to drive strategies based on set objectives. Analytics provide a way to set customized goals according to your website’s competencies. For e.g. A website can track how many responses they receive for their newsletter subscription or their query form. Such a goal-based approach is quite effective and methodical for optimization.

“Goals are used to define different parameters or steps to drive strategies based on set objectives.”

2. Website Visitors

Web analytics and tracking tools of course keep track of the number of visitors, as well as detailed information about the visits themselves. A user-centric overview is provided about the average time spent by visitors; how many pages were visited per user session; how many visitors are returning to the website and how often. These show the average navigation path taken by website visitors and indicates reasons a visitor might bounce. Other insightful information about demographics such as location, device, real-time reports are all essential to deliver good website functionality as well as to create a data-driven marketing strategy.

Web analytics show the number of visitors but also detailed information about the visits themselves.

3. User Acquisition

While improvements and changes are expected within a website, it is also crucial to know more about how traffic is driven to said website itself. Sources are where the users were browsing before they arrive at a particular website and medium is the method they chose to get there. For e.g. a user is browsing an external source website, sees an ad, clicks on it and navigates to a landing page of the linked website. This makes the first website the source and the cost-per-click ad a medium. This helps to know how much traffic is being generated from organic vs. paid channels and is a good indicator of how much time, effort and money should be spent on each. While search engine optimization provides organic visibility, it is also an important performance indicator as it shows the quality of a website quality and its trust ranking. When it comes to paid advertising, such insights directly impact strategies related to a websites' rate on investment.

Sources are where the users were browsing before they arrive at a particular website and medium is the method they chose to get there.

4. Behavioral Metrics

Pages on a website host different information and it is important to maintain good and relevant information to ensure quality and to keep the visitor engaged. Analytics track which pages on a website are more popular with visitors and which ones aren’t. As mentioned before, this helps maintain quality which retains visitors and is also used to measure content effectiveness. Behavior is also measured by actions taken on a website and it is valuable to see whether a site’s design is user-friendly. Analytics throw light on which pages cause the maximum bounces and contribute to a higher percentage of the bounce rate.

Behavior is also measured by actions taken on a website and it is valuable to see whether a site’s design is user-friendly.

5. Ecommerce Analytics

Ecommerce websites have a transactional or sales-focused functionality and analytical tools are configured to the core purpose of selling and revenue. Hence, tracking customer journeys can give better insights and substantially improve sales margins. More knowledge is always powerful as timely analyses and reporting enable continuous learning from customer behavior and purchases. There are also various tools that report on how a particular product or category is performing. Therefore, with customer and product-centric viewpoints, one can view an online business from different perspectives and can recognize patterns and work towards establishing a good customer relationship.

Ecommerce websites have a transactional or sales-focused functionality and analytical tools are configured to the core purpose of selling and revenue.

Advantages of excentos Analytics

A product guide leads a customer through a sales funnel that is based on insightful consumer behavior. It engages with them while asking relevant questions specific to their needs. Such an optimization tool is particularly useful for products which answer niche needs, product categories that are complicated and even large product assortments. It also targets navigation and functionality problems such as visitors browsing through countless product pages or manually setting filters to choose products. Although useful in certain circumstances, filters primarily have a functionality akin to settings. Hence, they provide a general output lacking valid reasoning and at times don't even provide results at all. A product guide on the other hand takes the consumer through a series of questions and answers, providing a valid reason at every step of the process and as a consequence, will always display a recommendation. It is also structured to reduce wasteful browsing, which stops visitors from bouncing of your website. For this reason it is an on-site optimization solution.

“A product guide leads a customer through a sales funnel that is based on insightful consumer behavior. It engages with them while asking relevant questions specific to their needs.”
One of the main characteristics of guided selling is optimization, and as we now know, optimization requires tracking and measurement. Our guided selling solutions too, use analytics and targeted metrics to track the behavior and actions of visitors who use them. This gives a picture of the user journey through a set funnel and provides valuable product data for a business. To provide an example of this, let’s consider a product guide that allows a customer to choose a bike and asks questions such as gender, age and height; how often you would use it; whether you have any specifications etc. As the customer is led through a step-by-step process, you receive all the answers they chose, giving you information such as which features are important, which feature works better for a certain target group or which kind of bike is popular with adults and which one is more popular with teenagers. For e.g., the insights below indicate that a majority of women who were interested in buying the bike were generally taller in height.

Schematic repersentation of excentos Analytics

“One of the main characteristics of guided selling is optimization”

1. Consumer Insights

This shows you that out of all the traffic that clicked-through, which category of a consumer was most interested in the bikes. Furthermore, you can narrow down on segments to find out particular choices. For e.g., you could find out the average height of adults who come from a specific country and if there is any correlation with a type of bike or some other related feature.

2. Individual Event Journeys

The image used to illustrate the example gives a schematic view of excentos analytics and shows individual events such as user journeys, bounces and exit points. You can track single journeys through the funnel or get a collective view of all. Data visulizations can be changed to sift through and draw appropriate conclusions.

3. Favorite Products

It shows you which products are performing better than others and their individual click-through rates. You can evaluate product items that are not working in a particular market or segment and plan your inventory accordingly.

4. Market Information

An easy overview allows you to know if your products are getting traction in other countries, as well as comparisons between number of visitors, revenue, clicks, popularity and other such parameters.

5. Improvement Suggestions

As it learns from customer data, excentos analytics provides helpful suggestions and steps you can use to potentially improve your business.

6. Customizable Metrics

Special metrics can be tracked and measured, if they are an integral part of the product guide and customer journey. To give an example, this can apply to products which have a customization feature, and hence can track which color, pattern, template, etc. is more popular with customers.

This also shows us that analytics and tracking don’t have contextual usage barriers. They can be used for general performance monitoring or can be customized to optimize and measure frequently visited parts of a website. Regular web analytics are essential to track, maintain and improve websites, but online businesses can benefit even more by integrating a unique tool such as a product guide. excentos analytics show you exactly how your products are doing with customers from across segments and provide you with even more customized options for optimization.

Improve your websites' sales performance.

Are you an Ecommerce business struggling with optimization?

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8 April, 2020
Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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How your business can tackle the pandemic

8 April, 2020
Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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Consumers are shopping online to address immediate needs

As physical mobility has been deterred, customers are shopping online and are reacting to the fear of running out. According to NielsenIQ, consumers are focused on products that support health maintenance as well as focusing on finding everyday commodities, in these days of lockdowns. This would appear to be the new normal for the weeks to come, and it is important for businesses to realize consumer priorities. This also means an increase in adoption of digital channels by consumers, yet they will always expect intuitive and apt services and this provides an opportunity for businesses.

A report by ContentSquare says that, “These purchases clearly correspond to the logic of the Maslow pyramid: in order to satisfy needs at the base of the pyramid, consumers are stocking up mostly on food and health necessities, ensuring they have the basic equipment to stay at home (TV, PCs, headsets, fridges…) and taking care of their finances. At the same time, any purchase that falls into the top tier of the Maslow pyramid of needs, such as non-necessary items and of course, any outdoor activities, are dropping significantly.”

The following graph by ContentSquare gives an industry-wise overview:

“Consumers will always expect intuitive and apt services, this provides an opportunity for businesses”

Chinese businesses have benefited from innovative digital strategies

Incentives to induce consumers to purchase

'Local governments and merchants are distributing vouchers to boost consumer spending in the short-term. As compared to the U.S. and U.K. which are handing out cash to citizens, vouchers are a way of directing consumer behavior purely towards the purpose of spending. “The eastern Chinese city of Hangzhou announced a plan to issue e-vouchers via Alibaba's online-payment service Alipay Thursday. By 4 p.m. Sunday, the resulting consumer spending had amounted to 453 million yuan (about 64 million U.S. dollars), 15 times as much as the total of the vouchers given out, with the redeemed government subsidies reaching 28.93 million yuan, data from local commerce bureau showed,” said one article.

Time for digital transformation

Taobao is a e-commerce marketplace owned by Alibaba Group Holding. Recently they launched an initiative to help transform traditional factories in China. Hai Wang, general manager of Taobao’s C2M business unit said that, “Stepping up our made-to-order strategy is an ongoing Taobao initiative to diversify product supplies across the ecosystem to meet demand from our consumers and help manufacturers lagging in the digital race to use technology to transform their processes. Manufacturers will benefit from increased efficiency and reduced costs and will be able to generate higher revenues.”
Taobao expects that the C2M initiative will bring 10 billion new orders to factories from across the country over the next three years, while transforming 1,000 manufacturers into “super factories” with output exceeding 100 million yuan (US$14 million) each, driving productivity at 10 factory clusters in China to 10 billion yuan or more. (Source: The South China Morning Post)

Usage of online channels

Huawei was set to launch its P40 series in France, which had a total of 1412 cases at the time. Due to rising concerns for public safety, the event was cancelled and Huawei decided to launch the new series through an online event instead.

Usage of social media

In order to quickly change tack and adapt, Cosmo Lady, the largest underwear and lingerie company in China, enlisted employees to promote and sell through their social circles via WeChat. They created a sales ranking to drive motivation and participation.

“the resulting consumer spending had amounted to 453 million yuan (about 64 million U.S. dollars), 15 times as much as the total of the vouchers given out”

5 tips for businesses to adapt

  1. Prioritize communicating through digital media by shifting your marketing and sales activities online.

  2. Your website should host a comprehensive FAQ section to address all the changes made to your business activities in light of the crisis.

  3. Work more on communicating with current customers but ensure you do not overwhelm them.

  4. Ensure your website is optimized and working efficiently for customers and potential leads.

  5. Keep track of current consumer behavior as certain aspects might become habitual in the foreseeable future.

The economic impact of COVID-19 will be potentially grave. Businesses need to survive through the current slowdown while simultaneously planning around scenarios for a recovery period, with most saying that this period is likely to occur in the last quarter of the year. As the pandemic might be prolonged, transforming offline activities to some form of a digital channel is a necessity given the current situation around the world. Hence, businesses should focus on digital channels along with building a good customer experience.

“Ensure your website is optimized and working efficiently for customers and potential leads.”

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