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06 June, 2022
Melissa Hartmann
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Was ist Guided Selling?

06 June, 2022
Melissa Hartmann

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Immer mehr B2B und B2C Unternehmen setzen auf Guided Selling, um ihre Kunden auch online optimal zu beraten. Doch was genau bedeutet Guided Selling eigentlich und wie funktioniert es?

Guided Selling beschreibt einen interaktiven Prozess, bei dem Kunden durch den Produktauswahlprozess begleitet und zu einer Kaufentscheidung geführt werden.


Der Begriff wird im Ecommerce verwendet und bedeutet übersetzt „geführtes Verkaufen“.

Eigentlich wäre Guided Buying, also "geführter Einkauf", ein treffenderer Begriff. Schließlich werden Kunden, die online etwas kaufen möchten, durch ihren Einkauf geführt. Im deutschsprachigen Raum hat sich aber der Begriff Guided Selling durchgesetzt.

Darüber hinaus gibt es weitere Begriffe, die synonym zu Guided Selling verwendet werden, dazu zählen: digitale Kaufberatung, Online-Produktberatung und kuratiertes Einkaufen.

Mit dem Kamera-Berater finden Sie die perfekte Kamera.


Wie funktioniert Guided Selling?

Guided Selling basiert auf KI-basierten Assistenzsystemen, die als digitaler Produktberater, Produktfinder oder Produktselektor bezeichnet werden. Kunden, die auf Ihre Website gelangen, können mit dem Produktberater interagieren. Der digitale Produktberater präsentiert Fragen, um die Bedürfnisse des Kunden zu ermitteln und passende Produkte zu empfehlen. Doch was ist daran jetzt so besonders?

"Kunden werden mit Guided Selling schnell und sicher zum Kauf geführt."

Stellen Sie sich folgendes Beispiel vor:

Ein potenzieller Kunde plant einen mehrtägigen Wanderurlaub und benötigt ein Zelt. Es ist sein erster Camping-Ausflug und er hat noch keine Erfahrung im Zelten. In einem Outdoor-Fachgeschäft wird der Kunde von einem Verkäufer ausführlich beraten und bekommt einige Zelte gezeigt, die für den geplanten Ausflug optimal geeignet sind. Der Verkäufer empfiehlt für die Bergtour ein Zelt, das ein geringes Gewicht hat und auch rauen Wetterbedingungen mühelos standhält. Der Kunde braucht nicht lange zu suchen und kann sich sicher sein, dass das Zelt seinen Anforderungen entspricht.

Sucht der Kunde hingegen online nach einem Zelt, wird er in der Regel nicht beraten und ist während des Produktauswahlprozesses auf sich alleine gestellt. Er muss auf Basis der Produktmerkmale und Beschreibungstexte eine Kaufentscheidung treffen. Und genau hier kommt Guided Selling ins Spiel: Der digitale Produktberater berät online genauso professionell wie der Fachverkäufer im Geschäft. Dadurch findet der Kunde schnell das perfekte Zelt und bleibt vor einem Fehlkauf bewahrt.

"Der digitale Produktberater berät Ihre Kunden genauso professionell wie ein Verkäufer im Fachgeschäft."

Kundenbedürfnisse verstehen

Der digitale Produktberater stellt spezifische Fragen, um herauszufinden, wonach der Kunde sucht.

Beispielsweise fragt der Zelt-Berater von Vaude, wie viele Personen im Zelt schlafen, welche Wetterbedingungen in der Zielregion zu erwarten sind und auf welchem Untergrund das Zelt aufgebaut werden soll.

Der Kunde beantwortet die Fragen und erhält Produktempfehlungen, die ideal auf seine Bedürfnisse abgestimmt sind.

Zusätzlich bietet der Produktfinder Erklärungen zu den Produkten und Produktmerkmalen, damit der Kunde eine fundierte Kaufentscheidung treffen kann. Das ist wichtig, denn es gibt Produkte, die anspruchsvoll sind und einer Erklärung bedürfen.

Sie möchten erfahren, wie Guided Selling im Detail funktioniert? Dann schauen Sie sich doch mal unser Whitepaper: Guided Selling an.

Intelligente Begründungen

Eine Besonderheit des Produktfinders sind die intelligenten Begründungen (Intelligent Reasoning). Der Produktfinder zeigt nämlich nicht nur Produktempfehlungen an, sondern begründet individuell, in wie fern die vorgeschlagenen Produkte zu den Anforderungen des Kunden passen.
Der Kunde bekommt also überzeugende Kaufargumente präsentiert und kann eine sichere Kaufentscheidung treffen.

Intelligente Begründungen

Intelligente Begründungen helfen Ihren Kunden dabei, eine fundierte Kaufentscheidung zu treffen.

"Die Produktempfehlungen werden optimal auf die Bedürfnisse des Kunden angepasst."

Welche Vorteile bietet ein Produktfinder?

Conversions steigern und Retouren minimieren:
Der Produktberater führt Ihre Kunden schnell und sicher durch den Kaufprozess. Gleichzeitig lassen sich durch die gezielte Beratung Fehlkäufe vermeiden und die Anzahl an Retouren minimieren.

Kundenzufriedenheit erhöhen:
Mit einer professionellen Produktberatung sorgen Sie dafür, dass Ihre Kunden ein passendes Produkt finden und mit ihrem Einkaufserlebnis zufrieden sind.

Cross Selling für noch mehr Umsatz:
Darüber hinaus können Sie Cross Selling in Ihren Produktberater einbinden und dadurch für noch mehr Umsatz sorgen. Beispielsweise würde der digitale Produktberater passend zum Zelt auch einen robusten Schlafsack und weitere Camping-Ausrüstung anbieten.

Beratung 24/7:
Mit Guided Selling stellen Sie Ihren Kunden jederzeit eine digitale Beratung zur Verfügung. Selbst an Wochenenden und Feiertagen begleitet der Produktfinder Ihre Kunden bei der Produktauswahl.

Wertvolle Customer Insights:
Mit excentos Analytics gewinnen Sie wertvolle Insights über die Präferenzen und Anforderungen Ihrer Kunden. Sie können Trends beobachten, Ihre Zielgruppe genauer definieren und deren Bedürfnisse nachvollziehen.

"Mit Guided Selling sorgen Sie für zufriedene Kunden und steigern Ihre Conversions."
Guided Selling Beratungskonzept

Bauen Sie Ihren eigenen Produktberater mit
der excentos Workbench.

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advisor concepts, sport and outdoor


30 September, 2021
Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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A short guide on Guided Selling

23 August, 2021
Sai Naik Nimbalkar
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What is Guided Selling?

As the name suggests, Guided Selling is an online sales process that helps customers to find the right products by providing them with product recommendations. These solutions normally use AI and Machine Learning technologies, and such Guided Selling software is used for B2B and B2C Ecommerce. Data-centric digital selling mechanisms provide amazing customer insights over a period of time, but there are many more advantages. Let’s look at the different kinds of Guided Selling solutions and their capabilities.

How does Guided Selling software work?

Product Guides ask questions to understand a customer’s needs, and based on the answers, it then recommends products. Hence, Guided Selling software uses selling expertise and product knowledge, and takes a digital form of a sales representative. Guided Selling software is AI-driven, it not only uses data but gathers valuable insights throughout the entire purchase process. Product Guides are based on the central concept of selling through advice, which works well for both B2B and B2C. They are efficient selling tools that provide a transparent layer between the customer and the product. Due to their inherent nature, they enable the customer to make up their mind and instill a level of confidence in their purchase decisions.

What kinds of Guided Selling solutions are available?

Guided Selling enables brands and retailers to create online buying guides for customers. Guided Selling solutions systematically ask questions to customers and recommend suitable products based on their needs. Although their basic functionality remains the same, Guided Selling solutions come in different forms. The most notable examples are Product Guides, Product Advisors, Product Configurators, Product Finders, Product Selectors, Product Quizzes, and Gift Finders.

Guided Selling software is used by both B2Bs and B2Cs

The main purpose of Guided Selling is to provide the online customer with transparent advice. For B2Bs, it’s often about providing a valuable source of information that can answer customer queries, especially for complex products, and develop enough interest for top-quality lead generation. Whereas B2Cs and Ecommerce sites, use Guided Selling to instill trust in the customer’s purchase decision. It’s a quicker search process that gets the customer to the best-suited product, along with other recommendations. There are other features that come under the Guided Selling umbrella such as product comparisons, reviews, PDF and lead generation functionalities, etc. Guided Selling solutions such as Product Selectors and Product Configurators help to configure complex products and offer many product variations. This improves user experience as they are interactive and constantly keep the user engaged.

"The main purpose of Guided Selling is to provide the online customer with transparent advice."

Best examples of Guided Selling solutions

Jungheinrich Forklift Guide

Product Advisors and Product Guides:

B2Bs can successfully use Product Advisors to simplify their services and solutions online. The Jungheinrich B2B Forklift Advisor easily translates technical complexities by using a Product Advisor. Guided Selling hence gives a lot more room, and you can integrate personalized advice, quotes, PDF and lead generators, etc. at important stages of the advisory process.

KOS Klima Product Configurator

Product Selector and Product Configurator:

KOS Klima successfully uses a Product Configurator to simplify a complex query process and provide a digital tool for recommendations and quotes. This is another example of creating a user-friendly interface for customers seeking solutions and services online. It encompasses multiple and customizable criteria and leads the customer step by step towards the best recommendation as per their exact requirements.

Douglas Gift Finder

Gift finders and product quizzes:

Retailers and brands, both, use gift finders and product quizzes, when the user is not sure of which product would make for the perfect gift. Gift finders are directed at a specific target audience and are a good tool to target holidays and special occasions. The Douglas gift finder does exactly this. It integrates personality traits and relationships to find a suitable product recommendation.

Lidl UK wine bot 'Margot'


Chatbots are helpful digital assistants that help brands sell more online. They are available 24x7 and can advice the customer on a variety of queries. In this instance, Lidl created a bot to advise its Facebook customers on the different types of wines, the food they are paired with and of course budgeted options.

"Guided Selling hence gives a lot more room, and you can integrate personalized advice, quotes, PDF and lead generators, etc. at important stages of the advisory process."

Advantages of AI-driven Guided Selling software

AI-driven solutions in a nutshell are great at recognizing patterns and trends in your sales process, thereby increasing revenues. Machine Learning in particular makes your sales processes smarter and more intuitive. These solutions are of course designed to use data to improve product recommendations, and while this may seem difficult at the beginning, there’s much more you get in return. The insights churned out by Product Guides and Advisors, come directly from customers, there’s no second-guessing involved. As Machine Learning is used, they constantly keep learning and improving upon the product recommendations.

Product Advisors let you know which of your products are more valuable, differences in target groups and regions, seasonal trends, Ecommerce revenues, etc. Insights even lie within the Product Guide itself, as you know which questions have more priority for customers. Our signature AI Data Trainer, also lets you relabel the characteristics of products, turning their features to a more user-friendly connotation for customers.

"Product Advisors let you know which of your products are more valuable, differences in target groups and regions, seasonal trends, Ecommerce revenues, etc."

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OMT-Toolkonferenz 2022 and
learn to build a Product Guide.

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6 August, 2019
Sophia Lelew
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How to recommend the right products to your online shoppers

6 August, 2019
Sophia Lelew

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These days, customers are flooded with masses of product information and promotions. In most purchase decisions, the choice is so overwhelming that they don't even know what to buy anymore.

To prevent customers from leaving your website dissatisfied, intelligent recommendation behavior helps you to create a personalized and user-friendly shopping experience. Displaying the right products or services to the right customers is not only key in terms of providing truly relevant content but is also the key to success in winning and retaining customers while also successfully engaging with them.

We are all familiar with the more conventional ways of trying to guide our customers through our e-commerce website. For example, 90% of all online shops have a faceted search engine or standard menu and category navigation bar. It's something a customer simply expects to see — but as e-commerce develops and retailers sell more online, customers require more advice and guidance.

Artificial intelligence is transforming retail to make online shopping more efficient and personalized with the help of predictive analytic tools and Guided Selling systems such as Product Guides and Digital Advisors.

In this blog post, we will go into:

  • Why conventional search systems such as faceted search engines don't quite make the cut in the advancing world of e-commerce
  • How you can discover whether your website or shop has suitable mechanisms in place to provide customers with good recommendations
  • The steps you can take to improve your shop's user experience and navigation
  • The latest kinds of recommender systems available to you on the market right now

as e-commerce develops and retailers sell more online, customers require more advice and guidance

Conventional search systems: Out of touch with your customers

The faceted search

Source: Sony

Unenticing and filled with technical detail which not every customer will be familiar with, this faceted search provides no assistance to customers who are unsure of what they need or want.

The faceted search is also a distant resemblance from how humans would naturally interact and converse since it is unable to advise customers on what product to buy.

Menu/category navigation

Source: Sony

Naturally, a must-have on any website, the menu/category navigation helps to filter out different kinds of products but is unable to advise any further. Once the user has said which kind of product they are looking for, they reach a dead-end.

Once the user has said which kind of product they are looking for, they reach a dead-end.

What is a good recommendation?

It all starts with understanding your customers and being able to map out the customer journey from their perspective. This way you can fulfill the requirements of every individual customer and provide them with intelligent product recommendations which are relevant to them.

Technically, it is complex to achieve good recommendation behavior but if you take it down a level, you can think about it in a less-abstract manner. Imagine your most charming sales rep. from one of your stores. They know exactly how to transform any customer's requirements into valuable recommendations that the customer will most likely buy.

Good recommendation behavior means that products or solutions are displayed in a results list, presenting the most suitable products first. The products you recommend should not only suit the customer's individual needs but also support your company's sales and marketing strategy.

An overview and analysis of different kinds of product search and recommender systems and what they achieve.

It all starts with understanding your customers

Does my e-commerce site already provide good enough recommendations to my customers?
Check for H.A.C.K!

Human Factor

Does your e-commerce site mirror real-life human interaction and conversation?
For example, does a user feel like they are being provided with advice and guidance, despite shopping online and not in-store?


Do you have any way of tracking the performance of your product search?
Can you extract useful data and analytics from it, which not only provides you with valuable consumer insights but also allows you to make strategic changes to your recommendation behavior?


Are your customers converting?
Check whether important product features are highlighted. Are there a nice combination of product images and other content, such as: key facts, user reviews, several product images etc.? These factors can assist in pushing a customer to the cart since they create trust and demonstrate expertise.
How many products do you show? Do you provide customers with a personalized, comprised list or do you show as many product listings as possible leading them to become overwhelmed?


Do you have power over what recommendations you provide customers with?
Are you able to control which recommendations are relevant in which situation? Or is the recommender solely trained on past usage data?


Website with Guided Selling

Source: VAUDE Tent Adviser

    ✓ Users don't need to search far and wide to find the most suitable products

    ✓ Users with no prior knowledge about what they are looking for can be easily guided and advised

    ✓ Users are presented with product explanations which inform them which products would suit their needs best and why

    ✓ Users are provided with a comprised list which is personalized and only shows the most relevant recommendations

Users with no prior knowledge about what they are looking for can be easily guided and advised

Website without Guided Selling

Source: North Face

    ✗ All products are mixed together so the user has to figure out which would suit their needs best

    ✗ Filters such as weight (lbs) and floor area (sq ft) are too specific and many users would not know what size or weight they require

    ✗ The order of the results list is not personalized to the individual user's needs

Filters such as weight (lbs) and floor area (sq ft) are too specific

How do you build a Guided Selling recommendation system?

1. Brainstorm

  • Put yourself in the mind of your customer
  • Map out their shopping journey from when they enter your online shop until they reach the checkout
  • What information do they require when considering a purchase?
  • Consider the complexity of your product. If your products are more personal and less dependent on the specifics, you will require questions which focus more on personality traits and behavioral tendencies. It could be anything from fashion products, perfume, books, home and lifestyle products, toys — or maybe even holidays.

A tree diagram which maps out part of a customer's journey and possible thought process when buying a camera.

2. Apply

  • Apply this knowledge to create a question flow and product recommendations for your Product Guide
  • Include relevant attributes, such as personal requirements, which device type is appropriate to the user, sizing, price ranges, preferred brands etc.
  • Find a software company who can build your Product Guide. They will need to combine your consumer knowledge with your product data, in order to make a well-functioning guide which you can easily integrate into your website.

A completed Product Guide designed to advise people when buying a new camera

3. Track

  • Optimize your Product Guide with analytics tools and track your success
  • Find out which products people buy most with the Product Guide
  • Where do people click and where do they drop off?

Example of data sample taken from one day period of the Product Guide after going live. It shows intense usage with 16 actions per visit and a long visit duration with over 5 minutes

Where do people click and where do they drop off?

Transferring consumer insights into more personalized recommendations

Consumer insights extracted from Product Guides help companies with future targeting since the recommendations provide useful information, such as: purchase and returns history, preferred brands, size and measurements, preferred colors etc. This allows you to offer more personalization through cross-selling recommendations, more insightful email marketing campaigns and landing pages which provide relevant recommendations.

Source: Asos

Personalized recommendations and styling advice calculated from the user's buying/browser history are great upselling features and allow you to showcase more products which your customer is bound to love.

Source: Easyjet

Email marketing based on a customer's purchase history, browser history or user segment data is the ideal way to tempt customers back into your shop.

Landing Page Recommendations

Source: Samsung

Welcome new customers onto your website. Creating landing pages for popular products allows you to attract new customers and increase traffic to your shop.

Product Guides help companies with future targeting

Out with the old and in with the new; start building a modern recommender system today

Find out which suits your company's needs best

Provide your customers with personalized advice

Find out how your company can implement
personalized advice for all of your users.

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1 August, 2019
Sophia Lelew
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How home furnishing brands are leading in the online shopping experience

1 August, 2019
Sophia Lelew

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As fall approaches, homeware and furniture brands are highlighting their best Scandi hygge, nomadic prints and grey hues. As ever, the season trends have been unveiled on thousands of furniture and homeware sites; ready to be snapped up by eager home-lovers and design enthusiasts.

As with many other consumer products, technology continues to play a major role in helping consumers make a choice in the home and furniture retail space.

"technology continues to play a major role in helping consumers make a choice"

“Worldwide online furniture and homewares sales are expected to be close to $200 billion in 2019.” — Statista

A lucrative and ever-growing market, fashion retailers are also starting to realize the potential. Urban Outfitters, Asos, Zara and H&M are just a few of many who are now selling furniture, textiles, ceramics and home accessories online. With this increased competition, traditional furniture and homeware brands have been put to the test.

We take a look at how some brands are performing well to triumph over the likes of fashion retailers, by providing a personalized service which online consumers love.

Product Advisors: MADE and Dulux

MADE and Dulux take personalized advice online and assist their online shoppers to find their perfect products.

With just a few simple questions, the user provides valuable information about their personal taste and preferences. The product advisor then finds recommendations which are personalized to suit the user's needs. Product advisors can also be great fun for your users to interact with, as they add that special touch to the online shopping experience.

Without product advisors, users can become easily confused amongst the thousands of products a website has to offer. By minimizing the amount that users see and focusing in on what matters to their individual needs, companies increase their chances of getting a sale.

MADE Sofas, Furniture & Homeware —

63% of consumers want personalized recommendations." — RILA

1. Discover products that match your taste

Source: MADE

"Discover products that match your taste"

2. "Like 7 images that feel like home"

What we love:

  • ✓ users are provided with an array of images which portray different styles and inspiration.

  • ✓ the social media-style interface is interactive and allows users to easily scroll and give an image the thumbs up.

  • ✓ by providing visuals instead of words, it also makes it quicker for the user to envision their ideal home.

"interactive social media-style interfaces allow users to easily scroll and give an image the thumbs up"

3. "Your style is..."

What we love:

  • ✓ the feature to email ourselves or social share our results with friends.

  • ✓ personalized color, material and print recommendations

"personalized color, material and print recommendations"

4. "Products for you..."

What we love:

  • ✓ personalized product recommendations which suit the user's taste.

  • ✓ products shown within different settings to further help the user imagine their perfect home.

"personalized product recommendations which suit the user's taste."

Dulux Paint —

1. "Welcome to your world in color"

What we love:

  • ✓ Dulux place their Product Guide as the very first thing a user sees when entering their website.

  • ✓ the Product Guide caters to all types of customers: those who already know what they want and those who require assistance.

"Product Guides cater to all types of customers: those who already know what they want and those who require assistance."

2. "Pick your color palette"

What we love:

  • ✓ visually appealing

  • ✓ users can state the finer details such as location, surface and finish.

"users can state the finer details such as location, surface and finish."

3. "Popular colors and colors to be mixed"

What we love:

  • ✓ practical tips such as primary color options, as well as colors to be mixed

  • ✓ only shown the color which we stated we were interested in

"only shown the color which we stated we were interested in"

Image Search: Wayfair

Image searches help users to find products via images instead of text. They work by using query by image content (QBIC) and content-based visual information retrieval (CBVIR). Users simply upload an image they like or feel inspired by and the website search engine delivers similar products available within their product assortment. In addition, if users don't know the name of a product but simply have an image — it's a perfect way for them to identify a product name and get more information.

As the world becomes more visual and photo sharing sites like Instagram become even more popular, the image search is something which will continue to grow; eventually becoming the conventional way to search.

“Image and voice-activated search may make up 50% of all searches by 2020” — Absolunet

Wayfair Furniture & Homeware —

What we love:
  • ✓ image attributes instead of descriptive metadata to search — helpful if the user doesn't know the product name or wants to find visually similar looking products

  • ✓ user-friendly interface and easy for mobile users who can upload images from their phone galleries

Live Chat and Virtual Assitants: Nest & Dulux

Live chat functions and virtual assistants mean that you can provide your users instant feedback and support and at no extra cost for them.

"38% of consumers are more likely to buy from a company if they offer live chat support." — kayako

In comparison with traditional phone support and customer hotlines, live chat and virtual assistants are much more convenient for the majority of customers.

Live chat can provide answers quickly and has the ability to mimic natural style conversations which you would have in-store with a human sales-assistant.

Virtual assistants are the automated version of live chat tools. No man-power required: just AI and machine learning, a virtual assistant can advise users within seconds and quickly point them to the products they are looking for.

"42% of customers prefer live chat compared to 23% for email and 16% for social media or forums." — JD Power.

Nest Furniture & Homeware —

What we love:
  • ✓ by showing the face behind the chat operators, it makes the tool much more approachable and personal.

  • ✓ the integrated search engine is a more engaging way to provide answers to FAQs

Dulux Paint —

What we love:
  • ✓ users get an answer within a few clicks.

  • ✓ users have a live chat option, should the virtual assistant not give them sufficient enough advice.

Wondering why your customers are leaving your website early or simply don't make it to the cart? It could be down to the lack of personalization on your website.

Personalization tools such as Product Guides, sophisticated search engines and virtual assistants can help your customers, your customer support team and best of all, your revenue!

Provide your customers with personalized advice

Find out how your company can implement
personalized advice for all of your users.

Book a demo

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    Read all about Guided Selling software, and the many different Ecommerce solutions that are available for B2Bs and B2Cs.

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    An in-depth look at the D2C trend and how brands can use aspects of it to increase their brand presence and get more control over their product and consumer data.

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  • Top UX trends for Ecommerce 2021

    With disruptive challenges in 2020, brands and retailers adopted new strategies for Ecommerce. Get to know the top UX trends you can use to not be left behind.

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advisor concepts, sport and outdoor


7 November, 2019
Sophia LeLew and
Marko Kotur
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Why Inbound Lead Generation is Important

7 November, 2019
Sophia LeLew and Marko Kotur
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A term coined by software marketer's Hubspot in 2006, inbound marketing is defined as a technique for drawing in customers who are not quite ready to buy yet. Modern marketing methods, which you are already familiar with, such as blogs, webinars, and social media all count as forms of inbound marketing.

Inbound Marketing vs Outbound Marketing

More traditional companies tend to lean towards outbound marketing activities, such as cold-calling, direct mail, tradeshows, and press releases. Although these can be effective to some extent, they are not good for scalability and don't always bring in good-quality leads. Outbound marketing techniques tend to involve pushing your business onto people, who most likely aren't ready to buy yet. It takes a more aggressive and direct approach which never tends to work on colder leads and leaves you with a CRM system full of contacts who know nothing about what you are trying to sell, or don't quite understand the true benefits yet.

"Lead people to your business, do not push your business onto people"

It's all about trust

In order to convert people, they need to trust you. Inbound marketing allows you to give something to prospective buyers which is of value to them, something educational which proves you are experts in your field and don't just want to make a quick sale.

Cue regular social media updates, informative blog posts, ebooks, webinars, case studies, whitepapers, infographics. Sources of regular information which aren't filled with sales spiel but provide new knowledge and value, will set you apart from your competitors and prevent you from getting lost in the noise of meaningless advertising. Eventually leads will get that "aha!" moment where they realize your business is relevant to their needs and that's when the customer will come finding you, and not the other way round!

"In order to convert people, they need to trust you."

The cost-effective way to turn strangers into customers

By nurturing your leads through inbound marketing activities, you also increase the efficiency of your sales team. Cold-calling long lists of irrelevant contacts become a thing of the past and your sales team can finally focus on closing the deal on the people who've been through the marketing funnel and had their "aha!" moment.

Creating an effective funnel

Relevant and personalized information is the key to effective inbound marketing activities. Known as attention economics, there is only so much information a human can process and will choose to pay attention to. Therefore, it's important that what you provide stands out, but is also relevant to your different segments and target groups.

"Attention is a resource, a person only has so much of it" - Matthew Crawford on attention economics.

Your different consumer segments require different levels of information and of different depth and complexity. For example, you receive 100 site visitors from an ad campaign, which you ran. Only 5% of these automatically convert and make a purchase. The remaining 95% need 'warming up' before they get to the cart. Sending them inbound marketing material over a defined period of time will help to educate and subtly persuade the lead, as to why they need your product.

E-Commerce Funnel

Marketing Funnel

"Attention is a resource, a person only has so much of it" - Matthew Crawford on attention economics

Lead generation tools and emails

Offer additional services for your website visitors. This lead generation feature allows prospective buyers to easily receive recommended products by email. It includes all key product details, as well as a list of reasons for why certain products fit their needs. Customers can view or compare products they have browsed before and commit to buying at a later date. In addition to this, you can send reminder emails so that they are even more likely to return back to your site and hopefully make the purchase! "send reminder emails so that your customers are even more likely to return back to your site"

"send reminder emails so that your customers are even more likely to return back to your site"

Blog Posts

Blog posts are not only interesting to read but also allow you to improve your SEO rankings by providing useful information based around keywords. When someone is searching for something specific and arrives at your blog post to try to get an answer, it is a prime example of inbound lead generation, where customers come flooding in to you with genuine interest.

Case Studies

Industry specific case studies build trust and prove your reputability. For B2B, it is especially interesting for businesses when their competitors are buying your products or using your services. This makes them question the benefit of your business and assess whether they need it too. For B2C, customer reviews are of paramount, with 84% of people claiming that they trusted online reviews as much as their friends. These are just a few examples of inbound marketing techniques that provide value to prospective buyers. However, it really all does depend on your individual business, so make sure you always bear your target group in mind.

"Industry specific case studies build trust and prove your reputability."

And finally, don't forget your CTA!

CTA's (call-to-action) prevent you from losing your customers and make it easier for them to interact with you. Check out some example CTAs which you could use for different parts of the funnel.

At excentos, we specialize in lead generation tools and features for Ecommerce businesses.

"Industry specific case studies build trust and prove your reputability."

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